Event Recap

For our third summer event this year, Tropical Island Luau, the women gathered at La Jolla Shores for a great time of fellowship over a delicious potluck and delightful island-themed activities!
We heard first from Rae, who shared how God used the truths from our Women’s Fellowship lesson titled “Say What” to reveal the sin in her heart and on her lips. She learned that her words ought to reflect God’s character to those around her. So, as she dwells on the astounding grace God has shown her, she wants to extend that same grace to those in the body.
After that, we heard a devotional from Erin titled “The Greatest Commandment,” where she taught us to love the Lord God with all our hearts, minds, and souls. Erin reminded us that love for God is shown by obedience to His Word, and then warned us against three common pitfalls. Whether we distort our love into a half-hearted obedience that is convenient, a works-based obedience that labors to earn God’s love, or a fear-based obedience of duty, we need to be on guard against any misunderstandings of what it means to love God. We ought to remember instead that to truly love God means to obey Him fully from a heart that loves Him wholly. This is impossible to accomplish on our own, but God has given us His Spirit who works through prayer and His Word to grow our love for Him.
Lastly, we participated in fun island-themed activities! We learned more about the other women in Island Bingo, then had a great time learning Hawaiian dance moves from Alyssa as we competed to be the last one dancing in a game of Kuma Hula Says! Tropical Island Luau was such a blast and we look forward to seeing you at our next summer event!
We heard first from Rae, who shared how God used the truths from our Women’s Fellowship lesson titled “Say What” to reveal the sin in her heart and on her lips. She learned that her words ought to reflect God’s character to those around her. So, as she dwells on the astounding grace God has shown her, she wants to extend that same grace to those in the body.
After that, we heard a devotional from Erin titled “The Greatest Commandment,” where she taught us to love the Lord God with all our hearts, minds, and souls. Erin reminded us that love for God is shown by obedience to His Word, and then warned us against three common pitfalls. Whether we distort our love into a half-hearted obedience that is convenient, a works-based obedience that labors to earn God’s love, or a fear-based obedience of duty, we need to be on guard against any misunderstandings of what it means to love God. We ought to remember instead that to truly love God means to obey Him fully from a heart that loves Him wholly. This is impossible to accomplish on our own, but God has given us His Spirit who works through prayer and His Word to grow our love for Him.
Lastly, we participated in fun island-themed activities! We learned more about the other women in Island Bingo, then had a great time learning Hawaiian dance moves from Alyssa as we competed to be the last one dancing in a game of Kuma Hula Says! Tropical Island Luau was such a blast and we look forward to seeing you at our next summer event!
Event Testimonial
Here's what our sister Valerie learned:
“As Erin shared, it is my desire to be active in growing my love for God every day. We are called to live out each day in obedience to God displaying our love for Him. Just as He first loved us and loved us so grandly and exquisitely, we are commanded to love the Lord with our everything. I want to go all the way not just half-way in love and obedience. It is love that fuels our obedience, not a false love and not a half obedience. I want to keep His commands, I want to obey Him, I want to love Him more and more by knowing Him and His Word; not acting out of emotions but acting out of true love. How could we not want to live a life of obedience to God when His love and goodness is so overwhelming. One very practical way I want to apply this devo is to memorize and live out Psalm 119!”
For more information about our Kainos summer events, click here!